I keep repeating those words over and over again to myself today.
My husbands FB status today reads, "Today would have been out baby girls birthday, but sadly we lost her only a few months before her due date...we love you Bristol Grace, lost but never forgot...we will think of you and miss you forever...although it was so hard for us to meet you and say goodbye in the same day, holding you was one of the most amazing moments of our lives, and you will hold a special place in our hearts forever...We love you sweetheart."
I went into Bristol's room today, I sat in her rocker holding her blanket and cried. She should be with us today. I should be holding her in my arms and instead I hold her in my heart. Her blanket still smells like her.
I am going to be donating some care packages to our local hospital for the moms of stillborn children (the care packages have teddy bears, a book, a candle, and a car magnet)....leaving the hospital with empty arms is terrible and, though I know it isn't the same, if I can help just one person feel a little less sad and do it in Bristol's memory then I can make her memory live on......
My husband and I are going to be doing a Chinese lantern release in Bristol's memory...we were going to be doing it this evening, but apparently Mother Nature has other plans as it is raining. So we will spend this evening together and let them off tomorrow night.
"An angel in the book of life wrote down my babies birth, and whispered as she closed the book, too beautiful for Earth."
Mommy loves you sweetheart and I will hold you in my heart until I can hold you in Heaven.
Thinking of you and your husband today.